
Revitalizing Alberta: The Imperative of Brownfield Redevelopment

  • Amy Gainer

    Senior Risk Assessor and Environmental Toxicologist

Brownfields — abandoned, vacant, derelict, or underutilized properties with actual or perceived contamination — are prevalent across Alberta, affecting communities both large and small. These sites, often remnants of former industrial or commercial activities, present unique challenges and opportunities for municipalities aiming to promote sustainable development and community revitalization.​

The Significance of Brownfield Redevelopment

Redeveloping brownfields is crucial for several reasons:​

  • Economic Revitalization: Transforming unused or underused properties can stimulate local economies by attracting new businesses, increasing property values, and expanding the tax base. The cleanup and redevelopment of a brownfield site can stimulate a community’s economy, provide opportunities for habitat restoration, and create public spaces (OpenAlberta). 
  • Environmental Restoration: Cleaning up contaminated sites reduces environmental hazards, protects ecosystems, and promotes public health. Active management and remediation lessen risks to human health and the urban ecology (Brownfield Redevelopment Working Group).  
  • Social Benefits: Redeveloped sites can become community assets, such as parks, residential areas, or commercial spaces, enhancing the quality of life and fostering community pride. Revitalized sites contribute to neighborhood vitality and safety (ABMUNIS). 

Barriers to Redevelopment

Despite the benefits, several barriers hinder brownfield redevelopment:​

  • Liability Concerns: Potential legal responsibilities associated with contamination can deter investment. Without certainty regarding future regulatory liability, it is challenging to assess the financial feasibility of redevelopment projects (ABMUNIS).
  • Financial Constraints: High remediation costs, especially when land values are low, can make projects economically unviable. The cost of cleaning or remediating sites often outweighs the land’s value (ABMUNIS).
  • Regulatory Complexity: Navigating environmental regulations can be daunting for developers and municipalities. The presence of brownfields can limit economic growth and development for entire neighborhoods (ABMUNIS). 

Alberta’s Strategic Approach

Recognizing these challenges, Alberta has implemented several initiatives to promote brownfield redevelopment:​

  • Legislative Amendments: Changes to the Municipal Government Act (MGA) enable municipalities to offer multi-year tax cancellations, reductions, or deferrals on brownfield properties, providing developers with greater financial predictability. This tool applies to properties suitable for redevelopment that councils deem contaminated, possibly contaminated, vacant, derelict, or underutilized (Brownfield Redevelopment Working Group).  
  • Provincial Coordination: The establishment of a Provincial Brownfield Coordinator Office enhances collaboration among stakeholders, streamlines processes, and provides guidance on best practices. Enhanced collaboration is achieved through a Provincial Brownfield Coordinator Office (
  • Risk Management Frameworks: Developing clear guidelines for risk management plans and incorporating them into land titles offers clarity and reduces uncertainty for potential investors. Clarifying the process for the acceptance and use of Risk Management Plans with respect to brownfields is a priority (​

Case Studies: Success in Action

Several Alberta municipalities have successfully navigated the complexities of brownfield redevelopment:​

Moving Forward: A Collaborative Effort

Addressing the brownfield challenge requires a concerted effort from all stakeholders:​

  • Municipalities: Should leverage available legislative tools, engage communities, and prioritize brownfield sites in urban planning.​
  • Provincial Government: Needs to continue refining policies, offering financial incentives, and providing technical support.​
  • Private Sector: Can play a pivotal role by investing in redevelopment projects and bringing innovative solutions to remediation challenges.​

Clear-Site Solutions Support and Role

The team at Clear-Site Solutions has successfully navigated and implemented more than $5 million in grant opportunities and divestiture options for brownfield redevelopment projects since 2024. Our efforts have secured over $25 million in project value creation for 2025 (and we’re just getting started).

Want to know more about opportunities to support your brownfield redevelopment portfolio? Contact the team at [email protected] and find out what an informed redevelopment plan can do for you.

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